So, another really great thing we learned about last week were the Yama's (character building restraints) and the miyamas (character building observances). The Yama's are the first limb of the 8 limbs of yoga, and include things like, ahimsa-loving kindness, and aparigraha- non-attachment, satya -truth, bramyacharya -energy management, and asteya- non stealing. The miyamas are part of the second limb of yoga and include things like saucha- purity, santosha-contentment, tapas-self discipline, swadyhyaya- self study and Ishvar-pranidahna - surrender to the universe. Anyway we each had to pick one that resonated with us. I figured I should choose Bramacharya because I have been in some fear during my adjustment and have been tempted to revert back to some old patterns, but I told myself I should tackle something smaller (because let's face it I really just wanted to give myself an excuse to indulge in old behavior). So I decided to choose asteya (non stealing)- and by the way we had to stand up in front of the whole group and say what our Yama or miyama was and apparently I am the only thief up in this piece because I stood alone. Any way I chose that because I reasoned that a better way to counteract my temptations would be with a step forward instead of a negation,and I felt that I was stealing from myself by not participating fully - our group is 63 people and I am a little intimidated about speaking in front of everyone, if you can believe it. Anyway so I chose asteya, indulged in my bad habit a little, and it occurred to me that it was not only a matter of brammacharya,energy management, since I have a real tendency to get strung out on human beings, but also asteya, since I was robbing myself of this experience by giving any energy at all to that. But of course I really kicked my own ass about it all and so changed to Ishvar-Pranidhana the next day, and I just gave it all to god girl. So namaste, and I am trying not to think about the fact I can't watch the world series. My dosha is not happy about that, but hopefully I'll be enlightened soon (they said I should be like week 3ish) so no worries, but I would not be opposed to someone tevo'ing it for me.
Sweet dreams and much peace!
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