Thursday, October 13, 2011

So anyway...

Of course that was not actually a picture of me "before" but I am considering eyelash extensions and am a little bit concerned that my fellow yogi's at Kripalu will be more earthy than myself. But, I can 't help it if I want to look naturally fantastic.I do not want to be the girl from Texas who has to put make up on every day. How superficial would that be?
Anyway, I leave in 3 days...and I am trying to ignore a certain someone from my not so distant past who no doubt is in fear that I will take flight on my new adventure,meet some hot yoga stud, and never look back (it could happen).I'm actually doing a bang up job on the ignoring front.Whereas, I could whore myself out for a new dress, plus shoes, and a date to some fancy debutante ball (gag). And it's not that I have standards, I 'd have eyelash extensions for cryin out loud, I just want to stay the course of being true to myself for once. How weird is that? And weird that it's weird. I always thought I had this wicked imagination, yet I've never been able to imagine myself living outside the limitations of my own self destructive patterns of behavior, until now. In the infamous words of Guy Clark, "Life is just a leap of faith, spread your arms and hold your breath and always trust your cape." I'm trusting my cape, and I am deeply and profoundly blessed.
Much love to all my sweet peeps for all of your love and support along this journey!


  1. Forget the cape, trust the MuMu. You must take your MuMu. Love this quote, stealing it for a future Facebook status in the not too distant future - cause I'm Emo like that.
